
We are looking for volunteers and interns to help us run the farm as it takes a lot of hands to keep things running smoothly. There is always something to do in the farm.

Volunteers get a private bedroom in the residency house. Unfortunately we cannot cover any other costs like food or transport etc.

We expect the volunteer to commit on duties for minimum 4 hours a day 5 days a week. The rest of the time volunteer is free to use any of the facilities Maajaam has to offer for ones projects.

Minimum time for volunteering is 2 weeks

Duties are dynamic and seasonal. It might include:

  • farm work (gardening, lawn mowing, snow shoveling)
  • workshop management (cleaning, organizing)
  • residency management (housekeeping, hosting)
  • developments (construction work)
  • assistance to artists
  • documenting processes, social media
  • welcoming visitors, giving tours

Contact us to apply.

Send an e-mail with following details:

  • background info about yourself (CV is helpful)
  • short motivation text why you want to come
  • what kind of duties you are happy to help with?
  • when and how long you would like to volunteer?
  • how do you plan to travel?
  • do you own a driver’s license?
  • if you have a project in mind you plan to work on
  • if you need an official invitation (Erasmus etc)
On the cover photo intern Eleftheria is creating the wood roundpile.